Instructions for prospective summer researchers while working in the lab
1. Please log off or shut down computer when disappearing from lab.
2. Please respect your co-workers in the lab.
3. Student researches are not allowed access to shelved lab equipment. Always ask your supervisor or designate researcher for providing you the materials and equipment.
4. Avoid inviting your friends to the lab. This is a research area and disturbance to research activity is not allowed.
5. This is not a computer lab, of course, no eating in the lab.
6. If you need general help, best to consult your designate researchers.
7. In no circumstances, shift materials and equipments from one station to another.
8. Do not change your allocated station.
9. Please use commonsense safety protocols.
10. Please use commonsense measures to avoid disturbing your peers and co-workers.
11. All students maintain a scientific log book.
Contents |
Name | Affiliation | Pojects |
Airas Akhtar | First year Electrical Engineering student at LUMS | Thermorefraction and thermoreflection |
Sheroz Malik | Junior EE student at LUMS | Modeling the collisions of thermionically emitted electrons with Hg vapor and calculating mean free paths |
Noor ul Ain | MS student from BZU | AlxMn1-2O2 Cathode materials for rechargeable batteries |
Saif ur Rehman | MS student from BZU | AlxCo3-xO4 Cathode materials for rechargeable batteries |
Taufique Jamil | PhD from BZU | Functional materials |
Adnan Manzoor | MS student from Mirpur University | Group II doped ZnO materials |
Kamran Malik | PhD student from BZU | Heuseler Alloys |
Name | Affiliation | Pojects |
Hassaan Mubasher | Computer Science sophomore at LUMS | Counter, timer circuits and their control for detection of photons, electronic pulses from radioactive detectors and multi-channel analyzers |
Hamid Suleman | First year student at SSE | Quantum erasure |
Muhammad Faraz | Sophomore electrical engineering student at LUMS SSE | a) Testing of Hall effect experiment, b) Testing of Franck-Hertz's experiment, (c) automation and computer control of the latent heat of liquid nitrogen experiment, (d) can I see the anomalous Hall effect? |
Zaki Jawaid | Physics major at LUMS SSE | Synthesis of a 1-2-3 superconductor and direct detection of the superconducting phase transition by flux expulsion using a GMR sensor |
Asshad Azam | Physics major at LUMS SSE | Experiments with single photons |
Mustafa Afzal Saeed | Physics major at LUMS SSE | Modern version of Romer's astronomical measurements of the speed of light |
Name | Experiment/Title | |
Muhammad Ali Valliani | 2nd year Mechanical Engg. student at GIKI, Topi | Surface plasmon resonance |
Mujtaba Hussain | M.Phil. student COMSATS, Islamabad | Atomic studies of Rb vapor |
Osama Usman | M.Phil. student COMSATS, Lahore | Superoperators for NMR Quantum information processing |
Name | Experiment | |
Sarah Massoud | Mechanical Engg. student at UCL, London, UK | Magnetic Pendulum |
Unab Javed | | Demonstrating the Hall Effect |
Aroosa Ijaz | | a) Practical seismometry, b) Clinical fieldwork for homemade audiometry application |
Muhammad Kumail Haider | | Direct detection of the superconducting phase transition by flux expulsion using a GMR sensor |
Arslan Anjum | | Computer assisted experiments with the laser diode |
We had an overwhelming response of applicants interested in summer research. There were about a hundred applicants from LUMS as well as from external Universities. The following student of the freshman and sophomore classes are working on various projects including the IST Technology Transfer Project.
Name | Experiment | |
Aleena Tasneem Khan | | Dielectric measurements of nanoparticle impregnated paper and common insulators |
Ammar Ahmed Khan | | Design and fabrication of adjustable high voltage power supply (20 KV) |
Syed Moeez Hassan | | 1) Determined a material Sandanio having properties comparable to Alumina Silicate and machined it to complete the Heat Transfer experiment assembly for IST. 2) Prepared the LN2 experiment for IST. |
Syed Alamdar Hussain Shah | | Development of Electricity and Magnetism Experiment for the IST Technology Transfer Project. |
Azeem-Ul-Hassan | | 1) Generation and Detection of Elliptically Polarized Light 2) Tracking Normal to Superconducting Transition using Flux Screening and GMR Sensors |
Aroosa Ijaz | | Development of Hard Disk Experiment for the IST Technology Transfer Project. |
Ali Raza Khan | | Temperature and Gaseous Conductivity Measurements using a Strain Gage |
Hafsa Hassan Khan | | Statistics of Nuclear Radiation |
1. Observation of elliptically polarized light using quarter waveplate by Azeem Ul Hassan.
2. The summer research experience by Aroosa Ijaz.
3. Machining of Sandanio material by Syed Moeez Hassan.
4. An Experiment to Determine the Affect of varying Temperature on the Resistance of Strain Gage by Syed Ali Raza.
5. Detection of Meissner Effect in YBCO using Giant Magnetoresistors by Azeem Ul Hassan.
6. Design and fabrication of adjustable high voltage power supply (20 KV) by Ammar Ahmed Khan.
Interns from LUMS:
(December 2009 - January 2010 )
Following students were selected
Name | |
Saad Pervaiz | |
Ammar Ahmed Khan | |
1. Use of Sound Card as an Oscilloscope and Function Generator by Saad Pervaiz.
2. Measuring gravity using Electromagnetic Induction by Ammar Ahmed Khan
Physlab offers students to demonstrate the experiments to the freshman class of 2013. Following students were selected and they helps the physlab instructors in demonstration on different time slots. (September 2009 - December 2009)
Name | Experiment | |
Daniyal Ahmed | | Filtering Noise in Electrical Circuits |
Umar Shouk Butt | | Latent Heat of Vaporization of Liquid Nitrogen and Specific Heats of Metals |
Muhammad Ahmed Riaz | | Magnetic Phase Transitions of a Ferromagnetic Alloy |
Hafsa Hassan | | Rotational Dynamics, Moment of Inertia, Torque and Rotational Friction |
Saad Pervaiz | | Heat Transfer and Newton’s Law of Cooling |
Aleena Tasneem Khan | | Heat Transfer and Newton’s Law of Cooling |
Syed Moeez Hassan | | Simple Harmonic Motion is Observed through Webcam |
Hassan Najeeb Khan | | Simple Harmonic Motion is Observed through Webcam |
Muhammad Bilal | | Optical Activity of the Chiral Solutions |
Muhammad Usama | | Filtering Noise in Electrical Circuits |
Omer Majid Mir | | Optical Activity of the Chiral Solutions |
The Physlab has started a students internship programme whereas 15 interns will spend time inside the lab over the summers and help in the development of new experiments, testing and improvement of existing experiments and helping prepare the lab manuals.
The internship is planned from June 29, 2009 to August 22, 2009. During this period interns will perform their elective experiments in two groups. These students will also be assigned independent projects working with the Lab staff. To varying degrees, the interns will learn about data acquisition, basics of electronic circuit design, cryogenics handling, lab safety, scientific and technical writing, lab management, and of course, some exciting physics. Once in their stay with the Physics Lab, they will also make a field trip to the local market for technical supplies.
1. Measurements with liquid nitrogen: latent heat, heat capacity of tin and molar gas constant, Daniyal Ahmed and Umer Shouk Butt
2. Composition of ceramic mixtures used in electric heaters, Mohammad Ali Raahim and Muhammad Ahmed Riaz.
3. Measurement of the speed of sound by Hafizah Nameerah.
4. Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution for Helium Ions by Syed Moeez Hassan and Saad Pervaiz.
5. Designing Time to Amplitude Converter by Syed Mooez Hassan and Saad Pervaiz .
6. Rotational Damping by Hafsa Hassan.
7. Investigating Poisson's Statistics with Background Radiation by Hafsa Hassan.
8. Calibration of thermocouples and investigating heat transfer by Aleena Tasneem Khan.
9. Sound and Magnetism by Ammar Ahmed Khan
Interns from other institutions: (July 2009)
Interns from LUMS:
Following students were selected in G1.
Name | |
Daniyal Ahmed | |
Umar Shouk Butt | |
Muhammad Ahmed Riaz | |
Hafsa Hassan | |
Saad Pervaiz | |
Syed Moeez Hassan | |
Hafiza Namerah Ali | |
Muhammad Ali Raahim | |
Hafas Hassan was declared as the best intern of summer 2009.
Following students were selected in G2.
Name | |
Omer Majid Mir | |
Ammar Ahmed Khan | |
Aneeq Zia | |
Muhammad Usama | |
Bilal Aftab Usman | |
Aleena Tasneem Khan | |
Muhammad Affawn Ashraf | |
Former interns: (from the Lahore American School)