List of Materials & Chemicals

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Last Updated: 13/7/2016

Record # Item % Purity Morphology Quantity Weight Cost Supplier Date Received
1 Silicon 99.9995 Lump Pieces 6 10g Donated Ventron (GMBH) 2009/10/09
2 Germanium --- Lump Pieces 1 10g Donated Ventron (GMBH) 2009/10/09
3 Indium Arsenide --- Lump Pieces 1 10g Donated Ventron (GMBH) 2009/10/09
4 Cesium Iodide 99.999 Powder 1 10g Donated Ventron (GMBH) 2009/10/09
5 Aluminum Antimonide (AlSb) 99.5 Lump Pieces 1 100g Donated Alpha Products 2009/10/09
6 Gallium Nitride (GaN) 99.99 Powder 2 5g Donated Alpha Division 2009/10/09
7 Indium Antimonide 99.99 EL,GR - Pieces 1 10g Donated Ventron (GMBH) 2009/10/09
8 Galium Antimonide (GaSb) 99.99 EL,GR - Pieces 1 10g Donated Alpha Products 2009/10/09
9 Gallium Phosphide 99.999 EL,GR - Pieces 1 10g Donated Ventron (GMBH) 2009/10/09
10 Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) 99.999 EL,GR - Pieces 1
Donated Alpha Products 2009/10/09
11 Magnesium (Flammable) --- Metal Pieses 1 50g Donated Ventron (GMBH) 2009/10/09
12 Cesium (Flammable) ---
13 Copper Foil --- Foil (.5mm thick) 1 25g Donated Ventron (GMBH) 2009/10/09
14 Erbium Foil --- foil (.62mm thick) 2
Donated Alpha Products 2009/10/09
15 Ferric Chloride (poisonous) --- Lump (pieces) 300g
Rs.400 M.A Traders,Anarkali,LHR 2009/10/14
16 Ferrous Chloride ---
Rs. 400 M.A Traders,Anarkali,LHR 2009/10/14
17 Graphite --- Solid Rod 1
18 Benzene --- Liquid 1
Rs.250 M.A Traders,Anarkali,LHR 2009/10/26
19 Copper Powder ----- Powder 1 0.5kg Rs.625 F.S. Corporation 2009/12/08
20 Aluminium Powder ----- Powder 1 250g Rs. 375 F.S. Corporation 2009/12/08
21 Copper rod ----- Solid rod 1
22 Brass rod ------ Solid rod 1
23 Zinc metal sheet ------ Solid sheet 1
24 Carbon Disulphide ------ liquid 1
------ United Lab Chemicals LHR 2009/12/08
25 Co-Neotic AA Alloy --- Solid Sheet 3 Feet
$ 280.95 Magnetic Shield Corporation 2010/12/18
26 Ni Metallic Substrate --
$ 49 MTI Corporation 2010/06/29
27 BaTiO3 --
$ 299.95 MTI Corporation 2010/06/29
28 Alumina Crucibles High Purity 100 x 20 x 20 mm --
$ 44.85 MTI Corporation 2010/06/29
29 Alumina Crucibles High Purity 40 dia. x 40 H mm --
$ 80.88 MTI Corporation 2010/06/29
30 Cu Metallic Substrate --
$ 85 MTI Corporation 2010/06/29
31 Iron Foil 99.5 % Foil 0.5 mm thick 1
$ 47.20 Goodfellow 2010/07/23
32 Cobalt Foil 99.5 % Foil 1.0 mm thick 1
$ 203 Goodfellow 2010/07/23
33 Nickel Wire 99.0 % Wire 0.5 mm thick 1
$ 86 Goodfellow 2010/07/23
34 Macor Rod 12" x 1" --- Solid Rod 2
£ 191.86 Precision Ceramics 2010/09/21
35 Alumina Silicate Rod --- Solid Rod 4
$ 48.36 Mc-MASTER CARR 2010/09/21
36 Flexible Magnetic Strip --- Strip 1
$ 0.31 Mc-MASTER CARR 2010/09/21
37 Nonflammable Ag Colloid --
$ 107.71 SPI Supplies 2011/02/22
38 Double coated adhesive tape --
$ 44.06 SPI Supplies 2011/02/22
39 Copper conducting tape, single sided adhesive 0.25 in --
$ 23.24 SPI Supplies 2011/02/22
40 Aluminium foil conducting tape 1 in --
$ 16.07 SPI Supplies 2011/02/22
41 Thinner for nonflammable Ag colloid --
$ 6.56 SPI Supplies 2011/02/22
42 Copper Base Disc 31mm D x 18mm --- Circular Disc 1
$ 200.25 Brammer USA 2011/04/01
43 Brass - Silicon Disc 43mm D x 20mm --- Circular Disc 1
$ 324 Brammer USA 2011/04/01
44 Platinum Target-2.375” Diameter x .0025” - Circular Disk 1
$ 608` Denton Vacuum 2011/05/11
45 Gold Target-2.375” Diameter x .002” - Circular Disk 1
$ 312 Denton Vacuum 2011/05/11
46 Retainer (Al) for 2” Diam. or 50x50mm - Circular Disk 1
$ 171 Denton Vacuum 2011/05/11
47 N-Type Silicon chip (100) plane, 0.01 to 0.09 ohm-cm -- Chip 1
Donated -- 2011/06/10
48 P-Type Silicon chip (100) plane, 1 to 10 ohm-cm -- Chip 1
Donated -- 2011/06/10
49 Graphite Rods -- Rod
Dr. Sabieh's Personal -- 2011/07/05
50 Ultrasonic Cleaner 110 V
Dr. Sabieh's Personal Branson 2011/07/05
51 Glass Slides 50
Donated Matsunami 2011/07/05
52 PVC Sleeving 2 mm dia, 50 m length 1
Donated 2011/07/05
53 Platinum wire ---
1 0.008" dia, 2' length Donated Tedpella 2011/10/12
54 Bismuth Powder --
1 500g, 325mesh Donated Ventron 2011/10/12
55 Bionano gold-coated glass slides 0 Phasis Sarl, Switzerland 1 75mm x 25mm x 1.1mm $ 224 Phasis Sarl, Switzerland 2012/01/17
56 Cargille BK 7 Matching Liquid --
$53.00 Cargille 2012/02/13
57 10 nm Gold Film on Mylar --
1 10nm $ 400 Brammers, USA 2012/02/13
58 20 nm Gold Film on Maylar --
1 20nm $ 400 Brammers, USA 2012/02/13
59 FLX 0717 - Jewelry Microsample 3 mm O mounted in 3 --
1 3mm $ 333 Brammers, USA 2012/02/13
60 FLX Z2 - XRF Monitor Disc 40 mm O x 6mm ---
1 40mm x O x 6mm $ 225 Brammers, USA 2012/02/13
61 Octadecanethiol --
1 25ml Euro 12.53 Sigma, Germany 2012/02/13
62 Dicholobenzene ---
1 I L Euro 20.58 Sigma, Germany 2012/02/13
63 Cerium Oxide (CeO2) 0
64 Strontium nitrate 0
1 1 kg Donated Riedel-de Haen 2012/04/05
65 Aluminium Nitrate 0
1 500 g Donated BDH 2012/04/05
66 Yttrium oxide 0
67 Vanadium oxide 0
68 Ferric Nitrate 0
Donated Shanghai Fengshen Fine Chemicals Ltd 2012/04/05
69 Aluminum wire 0 0.01 inch dia, 50ft length 1
Dr. Sabieh Personal Ted Pella 2012/04/25
70 Silver wire -- 0.008" dia, 10' length 1
Dr. Sabieh Personal Ted Pella 2012/04/25
71 Gold wire -- 0.008" dia, 2' length 1
Dr. Sabieh Personal Ted Pella 2012/04/25
72 Iron Powder --
1 1 kg Dr. Sabieh's Personal Merck 2012/06/12
73 Sapphire wafer -- -- 1 2"duax0.5mm $89.98 MTI Corporation, USA 2012/06/12
74 Macor -- 1 inch dia, app 1 ft long rod 2
$230 McGeoch Technology, UK 2012/06/12
75 Macor -- 3 inch dia, appo 1 inch thick slab 1
$81.40 McGeoch Technology, UK 2012/06/12
76 Shapal -- 1 inch dia, appox 1/4 inch thick slab 1
$119.78 McGeoch Technology, UK 2012/06/12
77 OCTADECANETHIOL -- Bottle 1 25ML Euro 11.99 Sigma Aldrich, Germany 2012/06/29
78 MERCAPTOHEXADECANOIC ACID -- Bottle 1 250 MG Euro 157.45 Sigma Aldrich, Germany 2012/06/29
79 Gadolinium 99.9% Piece 1 25mm x 25mm GBP 222 Goodfellow, England 2012/10/26
80 Chromium 99.99% Piece 1 25mm x 25mm GBP 333 Goodfellow, England 2012/10/26
81 Gold-coated microscope glass slides --
1 26mm x 76mm x 1.1mm $ 209 Phasis Sarl, Switzerland 2013/03/06
82 Sputter Target(Cr) 99.95%
1 2 x .25 inch $ 196 VTS Corporation, Korea 2013/12/23
83 Sputter Target(Co) 99.95%
1 2 x 0.25 inch $ 318 VTS Corporation, Korea 2013/12/23
84 Sputter Target(Ni) 99.99%
1 2.0 x 0.0625 $ 196 VTS Corporation, Korea 2013/12/23
85 Sputter Target(Ti) 99.995%
1 2.0 x 0.25 inch $ 184 VTS Corporation, Korea 2013/12/23
86 Boron(B) Target 99%
1 Dia. 2inchxTh 2mm $ 572 Stanford Advanced Materials USA 2014/05/25
87 Fe81Ga19 at% target at %
1 Dia 2 inch x Th 2mm $ 907 Stanford Advanced Materials USA 2014/05/25
88 Quartz Disc
4x1/16 1
$65.50 Ted Pella 2015/01/29
89 SI Wafer
Type P, 4 1
$42.60 Ted Pella 2015/01/29
90 SI Wafer
Type P, 2 1
$26.75 Ted Pella 2015/01/29
91 SI Wafer
Type P, 6, EA 1
$58.95 Ted Pella 2015/01/29
92 Sputter target (Gd) 99.9% 2.0 x 0.25 inch 1
$695 VTS Corporation, Korea 2015/05/25
93 Sputter target (Dy) 99.9% 2.0 x 0.25 inch 1
$1,050 VTS Corporation, Korea 2015/05/25
94 20nm thick permalloy --
£350 Durham Magneto Optics Ltd. 2016/02/12
95 0.8nm thick perpendicularly magnetised Pt/CoFeB/Pt --
£750 Durham Magneto Optics Ltd. 2016/02/12
96 Lithographically structured permallow (25 microns features) --
£500 Durham Magneto Optics Ltd. 2016/02/12
97 MO sensor 8x8 mm^2

98 ITO Coated PET Film, Size: 300mmx1mx0.175mm

$598 MTI Corporation 2016/04/19
99 Cobalt single crystal Co

£720 Goodfellow 2016/05/24
100 Indium Oxide/Tin Oxide target

£278 Goodfellow 2016/05/24
101 Iron target Fe 99.95%

£242 Goodfellow 2016/05/24
102 Nickel/Iron target Ni80/Fe20 wt%

£236 Goodfellow 2016/05/24
103 Quartz plate discs

$25 Ali Express 2016/05/30
104 Gold Target - 2.375 Diameter x .002 thick

$450 Denton Vacuum 2016/06/16

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