Welcome to Experimental Physics

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The following are the goals of the SSE Physics Lab:

1. Preparing an institutional and national platform for student-driven experimental research in physics.
2. Indigenous development of experiments for the laboratory and demonstrations for the classroom environment.
3. Training SSE students in world class experimental physics through required and optional lab courses.
4. Sharing expertise, resources and training in physics education with sister institutions and organizations in the country and the region.

Round-up: A round-up of Physlab's activities over the past five years. Written by Sabieh Anwar (January 2015).



We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website Physlab.org!

Using the modern WordPress technologies we have upgraded into a fresh and sleek design allowing swift browsing through various contents of the lab. You can now easily navigate through all the relevant sections and stay up to date with the latest updates from our laboratory.

Click Here to visit Physlab.org

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