- The physlab participated in the opening lecture of Dr. Waqar Zaidi from Social Sciences School in a course on industrialization. Hafiz Rizwan demonstrated a modern machine tool 'The bandsaw' as a case study of the industrialization movement.
- Several major refinements were made to almost all the advanced and introductory laboratory experiments with simplifications to the apparatus, revision of manuals, automation of manually intensive tasks and improved opportunities for data analysis. Click here to read more.
- Continuing the trend of indigenous development and self-reliance, we now have our own 15 ton Hydraulic Pellet Press manufactured in-house at the laboratory's mechanical workshop facility by Senior Technician Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan.
- Dr. Murtaza Saleem joins us as Senior Research Scientist (in Electron Microscopy). He is a Ph.D from University of the Punjab and has considerable technical experience in the fields of materials, plasma, magnetism and first principles simulations of materials.
- Final year projects for graduate and undergraduate students are available in the research group of Dr. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar. Interested candidates can contact him here. Details of the projects can be accessed by clicking this link.
- In December 2014, Physlab installed a fog monitoring station. The aim was to determine the atmospheric composition and associated meteorological conditions. Chemical analysis of the acquired data is being done recently. See details here.
- Collaborative work on electrospun fibers is now published in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. This work describes wound dressing matrices developed by electrospinning. See more details here.
- New opportunities have opened up in the Spin Physics Group in Physlab. If you are motivated about experimental physics with cutting-edge scientific instrumentation, please send us your resumes. Click here for details.
- A demonstration is designed for electricity and magnetism course that explains how forces act on conductors inside magnetic fields. If a permanent magnet is placed near a current carrying coil, the coil moves forward or backward depending upon the polarity of the magnets. See details here.
- A new demonstration based on Oersted's law has been designed for electricity and magnetism course. Oersted law holds for electric currents that generates magnetic fields which is an important characteristic of electromagnetism. Click here for more details.
- An interesting demonstration on Galton's board is made utilizing the locally available resources. Making novel and exciting demonstrations is an ongoing project of the physics lab, targeting the teaching of physics through innovative and interesting demonstrations. Click here for details.
- The Physics Lab at LUMS has developed a Smart Physics Lab that utilizes embedded modern smart phones, cameras and inertial sensors, for demonstrating and appreciating physical processes in the laboratory. These experiments are low-cost, easily replicable and used as meaningful in-class demonstrations.
- A new experiment on the cosmic ray muon lifetime measurement has been added to the advanced laboratory. This experiment introduces our students with working of sophisticated equipment including photomultiplier tubes, scintillators and high speed electronic modules.
- An article on Fourier analysis of thermal diffusive waves is published in American Journal of Physics (AJP). This article is about the propagation of diffusive thermal waves inside a metal rod and implemented in one of our advanced laboratory experiments.
- A new addition to advanced physics laboratory is an experiment on Gamma-ray spectroscopy. The experiment utilizes the technique of energy spectrum measurement and students will learn about the safe handling of radioactive sources.
- On August 8, 2014, Physics lab has completed the technology transfer project with Habib University. Under the agreement, the equipment of thirteen experiments along with the learning material has been transferred to the recipient institution. Click here for details.
- Physics lab has announced the Third Lab Immersion Program. This is a two days activity that will held on 25-26 August, 2014. The main objective is to promote the low-cost and modern experimental and teaching methodologies in Physics laboratory. For more details click here.
- The physics lab is equipped with a latest additive technology of 3D printing. This invaluable tool will boost up the potential of manufacturing capabilities of the laboratory. Click here for details.
- The Physics lab at SBASSE has been awarded a project of replicating thirteen Physics experiments to the Habib university. Click here for details.
- An experiment on 'Energy conservation in two dimensions' has been added to Lab-I. This experiment will introduce the very basic concepts of energy conservation and ample opportunities for uncertainty analysis. Click here.
- Uzair Latif, working under the supervision of Dr. Imran Younus has detected and measured the lifetimes of cosmic ray Muons. Moreover, the Physics department will be launching its Nuclear and particle physics lab soon. Click here for details.
- New opportunities have opened up in the Physlab. If you are motivated about physics education, and scientific instrumentation, please send us your CVs. See details here.
- In November 2013, physics lab has replicated an experiment of Measurement of the Planck's constant using a light bulb to the Preston University. Physlab team has provided essential training to the teachers of Preston University and the home-made setups alongwith learning material were handed over to the team.
- Article on the "Complete Stokes polarimetry of magneto-optical Faraday effect in a terbium gallium garnet crystal at cryogenic temperatures" is published in the Optics Express.
- Dr. Sabieh Anwar is giving a talk on "educating the scientists of tomorrow" at the Oxford University Press Pakistan on 6 September 2013.
- A new experiment on synthesizing superconductors has been built in the Physlab and is being offered to physics students at the advanced level.

- The summer research program 2013 in the Physlab showcases exciting work done by students, ranging from making superconductors to detecting muons, erasing and recovering quantum information to electrodepositing films using novel techniques.
- The Second National Lab Immersion Program 2013 was organized at the IBA, Sukkur between 12 and 13 January 2013. Ali hasan, Junaid Alam and Dr. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar traveled to Sukkur for this purpose. The target of this particular workshop, which is promised to take place twice a year in different locations in Pakistan, are Universities and community colleges in the Sindh province. The objective is to introduce participants to low-cost and modern experimental and teaching practices in the physics laboratory, especially at the higher secondary and degree levels.

- Article on video tracking of nonlinear oscillations is published as cover article in the October 2012 issue of the American Journal of Physics. Common laboratory practices sometimes yield profound insights into the mathematical richness of simple systems. A vibrating string is one such system. For a scientific passer-by, the string's motion obeys the linear wave equation but for the probing investigator, the vibrating string can reveal mathematically and visually attractive phenomena such as fold-over, jumps, hysteresis, saddle-node bifurcations, super and sub harmonic resonance. In the Physics Lab (Physlab)'s latest work on physics education, we have demonstrated a clear ability to resolve these minute, subtle effects using strategically placed cameras, projective geometry and image processing. Multiple time scales method has been used to predict the behavior of the string under various regimes. The experimental observations match analytical predictions to a high degree of precision.

- The Higher Education Commission has now provided funding of Rs. 20 million to our research group. The three-year funding will allow the P.I., Dr. Sabieh Anwar, to establish some key experimental facilities, notably atomic layer deposition by sputtering and a high-end pulsed laser for time-dependent optical studies. The project will open up new directions in magnetic landscape mapping, magnetic microscopes, and magnetic resonance at the nano-scale.

- The Physics Department arranged an open-house for teachers of B.Sc. Honours / M.Sc. and M.Phil. on 25 October 2011 at 4 pm.
- Afaq Habib Piracha is awarded with the best student presenter at the International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanoethics, held at COMSATS IIT, Lahore Campus between 1 and 3 December 2011. He presented his work on nano-ferrites prepared by sol-gel autocombustion.
- NILOP (National Institute of Lasers and Optics), Islamabad builds a high-power nitrogen laser for SSE Physics. The 150 kW ultra-violet emission in pulsed mode with pulse lengths of the order of 10 ns, will open up new explorations in probing of dynamical chemical, biological and physical processes. Dr. Tayyab Imran is currently travelling to Islamabad for training and transport of this valuable donation, made possible after lengthy conversations, thanks to several well-wishers of LUMS SSE.
- In September 2011, The Physics Laboratory SSE deployed select freshmen experiments in the | undergraduate physics laboratory at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology. Under the agreement, equipment and materials designed and built at LUMS, with accompanying monographs, software and instructor resources were transferred. Muhammad Wasif and Muhammad Yusuf traveled to GIKI, set up the experiments and provided essential training to teachers at GIKI. This represents a rare happening in Pakistan, where one University shares its technology and learning resources with another University, and has now happened for the second time in quick succession, following a similar agreement with SUPARCO's IST. The goal of this initiative of resource sharing is to germinate seeds of world-class education in scientific experimentation throughout Pakistan.
- Magnets are ubiquitous. Composite magnets using expensive rare earths and strongly magnetic iron promise to enhance the energy storage capability, enabling high density magnetic storage for hard disks and computer memory. In one such attempt, researchers Dr. Shahid Ramay and Dr. Sabieh Anwar of SSE Physics, while helping their Pakistani and Chinese colleagues, have shown that samarium-cobalt and iron can be coupled through quantum exchange forces in titanium metal, enhancing the energy storage capacity. The key is the ability to grow these multi-layered structures, layer by layer, with the help of magnetron sputtering. The work is now published in Journal of Modern Physics B, 25, 2957-2963 (2011).
- The Physics lab's latest initiative is using natural radioactivity to understand statistical processes. using modestly-low activity isotopes, we can demonstrate important properties of nuclear radiation. The radioactivity process is statistically similar to the number of errors a novice typist will make on a page, or the number of accidents per year on a busy motorway crossing. The new experiment will be offered to students of the 2015 batch.
Another latest addition to our teaching methodology is the preparation of pictorial procedures. We hope this will be really useful in preparing students before they come to the lab.
- The Physics Laboratory at SSE has been awarded a contract to cultivate selected experiments in the undergraduate physics laboratory at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology. Our lab will replicate four home-made experiments, accompanying equipment and learning methodologies into the recipient institution. Under this project, four experiments from General Physics, Electricity and Magnetism, and Electronics will be transferred. The initiative generates resources to partially support our human and material needs. This is the second time that Physics lab has replicated it experiments to any sister institution in Pakistan. Previously, these experiments were deliver to Institute of Space Technology (IST) as technology share.
- The Physics Lab has designed an interesting experiment on X-ray fluorescence. It explores how various elements fluoresce by giving off characteristic X-rays. It also helps students "discover" the concept of the atomic number, which actually imparted meaning to Mendeleev's period arrangement of the elements. Hence the experiment has historical value and is reminiscent of Moseley's ground breaking work on atomic physics and the understanding of elemental chemistry.
- Dr. Sabieh Anwar has been selected by the Pakistan Council for Science and Technology for the Research Productivity Award for the year 2010-11. (June 2011)
- The article “Experimental determination of heat capacities and their correlation with quantum predictions”, by Waqas Mahmood, Sabieh Anwar and Wasif Zia has been accepted for publication in American Journal of Physics. The article presents details of a laboratory experiment for the determination of heat capacities at cryogenic temperatures using calorimetric heat exchange between liquid nitrogen and a solid. We also exemplify the detection of the spin-reordering transition in a ferrite around 120 K. This experiment in thermal physics will be adapted and offered to SSE students.
- Waqas Mahmood attended Three Days Workshop on Nano Technologies at National Centre for Physics from 24-26 May, 2011.
- Dr. Sabieh Anwar talked about Freezing Nuclear Spins inside an Oven: Entanglement and NMR at School of Science and Engineering, LUMS on April 21, 2011.
- Umer Hassan gave a demonstration on physiological measurements (Pulse Oximetry and ECG) in Physiology BIO 211 course on April 12, 2011.
- Shahid Mahmood Ramay has successfully defended his PhD. theses work titled Fabrication, Characterization and Structural Study of Ferrites of Technical Importance. He has published three International Papers from his PhD. work.
- The Physlab has recently acquired a CNC machine (CNC Lathe Smart 32-T8, manufactured in Taiwan). This will boost the manufacturing capabilities of the Laboratory, making possible the fabrication of high precision components and equipment for scientific research. This is the latest addition to the Physics Lab Workshop. The machine is equipped with Fanuc control. (December 2010) Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan will be conducting a 4 week training session for CNC Lathe machine from 21 February 2011 (Monday) to 18 March 2011 (Friday). The timing will be from 12:00 to 2:00pm.
We have setup a low cost X-ray fluorescence system for the heritage studies of Lahore's archeological sites.
The Physlab requires a qualified and experienced technician and instrumentation engineer for its undergoing research projects. Interested candidates can email their resume and documents to Muhammad Sabieh Anwar
- Umer Hassan travels to Hannover, Germany to attend the Our Common Future Conference from 1-6 November, 2010 on VolksWagen Foundation Fellowship. He shall also participate in Future Technologies group.
- Junior students acquire ferroelectric loops from KNO_3 in the advanced physics lab:
- PCB Manufacturing Facility

The Physlab acquires a PCB manufacturing facility (August 2010).

- The Physics Lab has delivered the remaining two experiments to the Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad. On 18th August, 2010, Sohaib Shamim, Muhammad Wasif and Waqas Mahmood visited IST and spent three days training IST Engineer's about the experiments. This completes the technology transfer project with IST.
- We have developed a dielectric measurement system capable of measuring the permittivity and tangent loss factors of solids and liquid samples. High temperature options are also possible. The system can be conveniently interfaced with our LCR measurement devices.
- Abdul Mannan uploads the Physlab workshop webpage. Visit the page for seeing our developing workshop skills and tools. (May 2010)
- Umer Hassan has been awarded Global Young Faculty Award and Our Common Future Fellowship by VolksWagen Foundation. He will attend the preparation meetings of Our Common Future Conference and will travel to Germany from 11-19 May, 2010. He will also attend the conference on World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010.
- Physlab is establishing the Undergraduate Physics Laboratory at Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad. IST is the educational face of the country's space agency, SUPARCO
- Abdul Manan has successfully completed the glass blowing training for two weeks (12 April to 24 April, 2010) administered at the HEJ Research Institute in Chemistry, Karachi. This training will help build capacity in manufacturing glass cells, spectroscopic cells, sample tubes and miscellaneous glassware in the Physlab.
- The Weekly Technology Times publishes an overview of the Physics Lab in their 5-11 April 2010 issue. The Technology Times is Pakistan's first weekly, bi-lingual newspaper on science and technology.
- Members of the Physlab: Amrozia Shaheen, Asma Khalid, Saroosh Shabbir, Dr. Shahid Ramay, Dr. Shahid Atiq and Dr. Sabieh Anwar attend the International Scientific Spring 2010 organized by the National Centre of Physics, Islamabad on 1-6 March 2010.
- Dr. Sabieh Anwar starts reading group on "Quantum Magnetism" on 18 February 2010. The sessions will take place every Thursday, 3 pm in the Physlab. The text being followed is Magnetism in Condensed Matter by S. Blundell. The participants are Dr. Shahid Atiq, Dr. Shahid Ramay, Aysha Aftab, Saroosh Shabbir and Amrozia Shaheen.
- Professor Dr. Bernhard Blumich from Aachen University, Germany visits School of Science and Engineering. He will be delivering a popular lecture on "Shrinking The MRI Machine" on Tuesday, 16 February 2010 at 9:45 am. The event was covered in the 17 February 2010 issue of Daily Times.
- Muhammad Affawn writes a report on relishing ice cream produced in the Physlab using supercool air (liquid nitrogen). (Don't attempt this on your own if you are unfamiliar with handling liquid nitrogen.)
- Dr. Sabieh Anwar presents details of the Experimental Physics Lab at an invited lecture at the Physics Department, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. (November 2009)
- Selected people from Physlab (Sohaib Shamim, Umer Siddiqi and Wasif Zia) helped in conducting the 3 days IEEE LUMS Matlab Workshop. (October 2009)
- Hafsa Hassan is declared the best intern of Summers 2009. She is a physics major. She was awarded a book on astronomy.(September 2009)
- The final report on GEM4, the summer school at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign has been published in the HEC Newsletter, News and Views, July 2009 edition. (Written by Umer Hassan) (July 2009)
- With the help of the Engineering and Safety Department, the Physlab has purchased a Lathe Machine for in-house manufacturing of various equipment for the lab. (23 June 2009)
- The Physlab perfects the art of making cartridge heaters (10 June 2009). These heaters can be made to custom size and can be used in spot, strip and bulk heating applications.
- The lab can now safely handle cryogenics including liquid nitrogen. Storage facilities for dry ice and liquid nitrogen are now available (May 2009).
- The Physlab borrows an indigenously developed setup for determining the Curie point of a ferromagnetic alloy to the freshmen physics lab at the GIKI. Here is Dr. Jamil's response:
Thanks for sending the manual and handing us one complete set of experiment of determination of Curie point. FES would soon be officially acknowledging this generous assistance from SSE. The experiment have been set on display in our PH102 lab. I totally agree that we both can share our expertise in freshmen physics lab. The end beneficiary would be students of both schools. Perhaps an official visit of lab personnel on reciprocal basis in future would be more advantageous. At GIKI we are laying more emphasis on improving the exisitng lab facilities for freshmen.
- Umer Hassan Siddiqui travels to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to participate in the Summer School: Cellular and Molecular Mechanics with a focus on Enabling Technologies (June 8 to June 19, 2009).
- A delegation from the Institute of Space Technology (IST) comprising the Vice Chancellor, Dean of Materials Science and other faculty members visits the Physlab and expresses overwhelming interest in reproducing these experiments in the undergraduate curriculum at the IST. IST is the educational face of the country's space agency, SUPARCO.
- Abdul Mannan successfully completes the practical course titled Computer Aided Drawing and Drafting offered by the National Institute of Design and Analysis, Lahore (April 2009).
- Dr Jameel Nabi from GIKI visited the Physics Lab on 27 February 2009. This visit can further enhance the co-operation between the two institutes.
- 24 A-level students from the Lahore Grammar School (LGS) visit the lab on 26 February 2009 and keenly perform our freshmen experiments.
- A group of teachers and Ph.D. students visited the lab on 26 November 2008. The visitors came from various departments of the Punjab University, COMSATS Lahore and UET, Lahore. They saw the lab in session and observed the performance of students. They returned highly inspired!
- Dr. Shaukat Hameed Khan, Rector GIKI and Member Planning Commission, Pakistan visits the Physlab and offers valuable suggestions on improving the experiments and offers ideas for new experiments in the forthcoming years.
- Sohaib Shamim and Wasif Zia attend seminar on National Instruments products held at Islamabad on 5 May, 2008.