Presentation on measurements and uncertainties For viewing video recordings of lectures on measurements and uncertainties visit the Webapage for the National Laboratory Immersion Program 2012 Homework on uncertainties Presentation on advanced topics in Uncertainties in Experimental Physics
Developing LabVIEW Applications Introduction to Thermocouple and Cold Junction Compensation written by the Physlab quick start guide to Labview by National Instruments (NI) Guide to thermocouples from Omega Engineering Guide to thermocouple measurement from NI Sample Questions Homework on LabVIEW and MATLAB
Visit the webpage of the Mechanical Workshop Presentation on the Mechanical Workshop Practice
How to Write the Laboratory Notebook by H.M. Kanare. Students are required to read Chapters 5 and 6.
Click here for the procedure of typesetting your reports.The necessary software has already been installed in the Computational Physics Lab on the second floor of the SSE building. This is what we expect from a laboratory report.