List of Imported Items Page-4

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Last Updated: 25/7/2016

Record # Item Make & Model Quantity Total Cost Supplier
377 NMR permanent magnet PM-1055-050N 1 CHF 3800 Metrolab Instruments SA
378 Pulser 480 1 $1138 SATCO FZE, UAE
379 Part# 4002D, 160-W Power Supply for NIM Bin 4001A 1 $2490 SATCO FZE, UAE
380 ISOCAM 4.00 CAM Software for PCB Machine 640254 1 Euro 570 Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co, Germany
381 S-type Platinum Thermocouples P10R-005 2 $110 Omega Engineering (donated)
382 Conn ADT BNC Jack-SMB Plug ACX1386-ND 5 $ 51.30 Digi-Key (USA
383 Cross Line Grating AFM, Mounted 607-AFM 1 $ 54.30 Pelco International, USA
384 AFM Height Standard, 500NM, EA HS-500MG 1 $ 200 Pelco International, USA
385 Programable DC Power Supply DP1116A 1 $ 798 Rigol Technologies, China
386 Digital Multimeter DM3068 1 $ 638.40 Rigol Technologies, China
387 Mech. Wave Driver W/Cord SF-9324 1 $ 276 Pasco Scientific, Denmark
388 Autotuning temperature controller with the IEEE-488,
analog output,relays,and second control loop
331S 1 $3,968 LakeShore
389 Cable assembly for 2 sensors and 1 heater(331/332),10ft. 112-334 1 $202 LakeShore
390 Heavy duty lead wire,30AWG,100ft WHD-30-100 1 $105 LakeShore
391 Indium disks,0.312”diameter×0.005,qty 10 ID-10-31 1 $81 LakeShore
392 Silver epoxy,5 each,2 gram packs ESF-2-5 1 $286 LakeShore
393 Heat sink bobbin,large HSB-40 1 $57 LakeShore
394 Heat sink bobbin,small HSB-8 1 $33 LakeShore
395 Heat sink chips,BeO,qty 10 HSC-4 1 $131 LakeShore
396 4-Lead Resistance Sample Holder 700RSH 1 $38 LakeShore
397 Heater cartridge,25 ohms,25W HTR-25 1 $100 LakeShore
398 Tape for cryogenic application T3M-72 3 $111 LakeShore
399 Peltier heater TES1-03103T125 20 $ 70.00 EverRedTronics Ltd. China
400 1.GP Plus 11 lb. Main Carbon filter
2. ACI Plus 11 lb. Main carbon filter
3. HEPA filter (for particulates)
4. Fume hood
3+1+1 $ 522 Air Science, USA
401 Oscilloscope 2 ch 70 Mhz (DSOX 2002) DSOX2002A 2 $2840 Agilent Technologies
402 C-Frame Electromagnet 3470 1 $ 5910 GMW
403 Pole Pair 17906420 1 $ 380 GMW
404 Spin TJ magnetic Microsensor STJ-020 1 $ 475 Micro Magnetics
405 Sensor preamplification electronics AL-05 2 $3800 Micro Magnetics
406 Single Channel Temperature Monitor 211S 1 $816 LakeShore
407 Axial reference magnet MRA-312-200 1 $1339 LakeShore
408 Vacuum Pen EQ-SMT-72-Normal 1 $17.95 MTI Corporation, USA
409 High Temperature Adhesive Backed Tape EQ-ABT-3x50 1 $135.85 MTI Corporation, USA
410 Flexible Fiberglass Insulation Paper 9323K21 3 $78.30 McMaster-CARR
411 Miniature High-Tempretature Cartridge Heater 8376T23 4 $110.40 McMaster-CARR
412 Cartridge Heater 3618K416 2 $39.32 McMaster-CARR
413 Electrical Contact Grease 9050T2 1 $31.53 McMaster-CARR
414 High Temperature Self-FusingTape 7643A441 2 $21.04 McMaster-CARR
415 Super-High Temperature Tape 6811A21 3 $7.95 McMaster-CARR
416 Medium Base High-Intensity Discharge Light Bulb 8293K45 1 $46.75 McMaster-CARR
417 Spectroscopic Elipsometer Alpha-SE 1 $44820 J.A. Woollam
418 1. Trinocular Stereo Zoom Microscope
2. Polarizing Kit
3. Halogen Bulb
4. Moticam2, 2.0 Megapixel digittal Camera
5. C-Mount Camera Adapter
6. Cold Sourse Power Supply

1 each $ 2289.50 Ted Pella Inc.
419 Frank Hertz System comprising Mercury Tube with Oven and Power Supply TEL 84825HGSYS 1 $2498 Tel-Atomic
420 Complete Coil System SF-8617 1 $ 465 Pasco Scientific
421 High Voltage Divider V1G 2 $ 200 EMCO
422 Top Loading Balance 440-47N 2 Rs. 81200 KERN, Germany
423 PELCO AFM, AU STD Kit 16205 1 $ 240 Ted Pella Inc., USA
424 AFM Height Standard HS-100MG 1 $ 200 Ted Pella Inc., USA
425 TipCheck AFM TIP Test Sample TC1 1 $ 180 Ted Pella Inc., USA
426 Temperature Controller SCT1 1 $ 409 Stuart, UK
427 Recirculating Chiller 6506P 1 $ 3257 PolyScience, USA
428 Lab Quest Mni LQ-Mini 2 $ 406 Vernier, Int., USA
429 Low-g Accelerometer LGA-BTA 1 $ 122 Vernier, Int., USA
430 Charge Sensor CRG-BTA 1 $ 102 Vernier, Int., USA
431 Constant Current Sensor CSS-BTA 2 $ 162 Vernier, Int., USA
432 Rotary Motion Sensor RMV-BTD 1 $ 216 Vernier, Int., USA
433 Instrumentation Amplifier INT-BTA 1 $ 81 Vernier, Int., USA
434 Current Probe DCP-BTA 4 $ 216 Vernier, Int., USA
435 Voltage Probe VP-BTA 6 $ 96 Vernier, Int., USA
436 Differential Voltage Probe DVP-BTA 1 $ 54 Vernier, Int., USA
437 30V Voltage Prob 30V-BTA 2 $ 108 Vernier, Int., USA
438 High Current Sensor HCS-BTA 2 $ 216 Vernier, Int., USA
439 Linear variable differential transformer 02560543-006 1 $ 380 World Union, China
440 ROD core metric 05282977-006 1 $ 20 World Union, China
441 Furnace XD-1700 1 $ 3850 ZHENGZHOU BROTHER FURNACE CO, China
442 O Rings
443 Electromagnet for magnetic resonance 9018.1300-SK006 2 $ 1192 Osaw, India
444 Silicon Diode Sensor DT-670-SD-1.4L 1 $ 669 LakeShore
445 Magic Eye Vacuum Tube
5 $ 80 The Tube Center, USA
446 Probe, transverse MST-410 2 $ 231 LakeShore
447 Quad-Twist wire WQT-32-25 1 $257 LakeShore
448 Stycast epoxy ES-2-20 1 $254 LakeShore
449 Silver epoxy ESF-2-5 1 $341 LakeShore
450 Heater cartridge HTR-25 2 $146 LakeShore
451 Adsorber 8080255K001 2 $1700 JANIS RESEARCH COMPANY, USA
452 Chiller 6700 1 $ 4411 PolyScience, USA
453 High Voltage Power Supply 1003310 1 EUR 325,00 3B Scientific, Germany
454 Electron Diffraction Tube 1013885 1 EUR 689,00 3B Scientific, Germany
455 Tube Holder 1008507 1 EUR 198,00 3B Scientific, Germany
456 Outer Magnet Assembly SRC003-0045 1 $ 630 Denton Vacuum
457 Center Magnet Assembly SRC003-0053 1 $ 485 Denton Vacuum
458 Arduino Due AT91SAM3X8E 5 $ 491.95 Five Rivers Tech/Techjango
459 Wimshurt Machine SE169 1 $ 107 Osaw, India
460 10-pin Electrical Feedthrough EEI 30.37(e) 1 $ 320 JANIS RESEARCH COMPANY, USA
461 Spectrum Tube: Hydrogen SE-9461 2 $ 86 Pasco Scientific
462 Spectrum Tube: Mercury SE-9466 1 $ 54 Pasco Scientific
463 Spectrum Tube Pwr. Sup & Mint SE-9460-220 1 $ 221 Pasco Scientific
464 Clear Desiccator Cabinet 24" x 18" x 24" 1 EURO 680 J.P Selecta
465 Sputtering System DaON1000S 1 $ 142,200 VTS Co., South Korea
466 Oil-Less Electric Direct Type Air Compressor DL2030 1 Rs. 36855 PUMA/Northern Tooling
467 Transformer WY3C-15kW 1 $ 2280 VTS Co., South Korea
468 Cryogenic Hall Sensor G3580 1 € 320 MagCam, Belgium
469 Multi Channel Anaylyzer etc. MCA8000D 1 $ 4200 Amptek/ElecSys, LLC, USA
470 Scintillation Prob TEL-SP38 1 $ 1233 Tel-Atomic
471 Laser Jet Enterprise 700 Printer M712 1 Rs. 275000 HP
472 Universal Computer Spectrometer TEL-UCS30-4K/220V 1 $ 3020 Tel-Atomic
473 Universal prob extension cable MPEC-410-3 1 $ 79 LakeShore
474 Replicator 2 00055904 1 $ 2199 MakerBot, USA
475 True Yellow PLA Large Spool 00055905 5 $ 216 MakerBot, USA
476 Canon PowerShot SX280 HS 1 Rs. 27500 Canon
477 PLUTO-VIS Phase Only Spatial Light Modulator HES 6010 VIS 1 Eur 12340 Holoeye Photonics
478 SHV PLUG TO SHV PLUG PE3895LF-180 1 $ 92.90 Pasternack, USA
479 BNC MALE TO BNC MALE CABLE 180 Inch PE3067-180 1 $ 32 Pasternack, USA
480 BNC MALE TO BNC MALE CABLE 72Inch PE3067-72 2 $ 52.80 Pasternack, USA
481 BNC MALE TO BNC MALE CABLE 36 Inch PE3067-36 6 $ 147.60 Pasternack, USA
482 20KVA UPS 3 Phase IN/OUT SR20T 1 798000Rs AES Technology Italy
483 Pfeiffer Blazers Turbo Pump TPU050 1 $ 2173 BMI Surplus Inc USA
484 LSK 389B, LIA FFT and SR560 input FET SRS Part number 3-1674 2 $ 112.75 Stanford Research System USA
485 Refurbished TCP 121 Controller Refurbished TCP 121 Controller 1 $ 2154 PTB Azusa CA
486 AD645CH-OP-AMP, 300 UV OFFSET-MAX,2 MHZ BAND WIDTH, MBCY8 AD645CH-OP-AMP 1 $ 115 Quest Components
487 Switching DC Power Supply 20V, 10AMP 1665-NEW 1 $ 250 BK Precision
488 Power Supply/Battery Eliminator 1514-NEW 3 $ 150 BK Precision
489 Digital Display Power Supply 30/12/5V,5Amps Triple-Output 1671A-New 2 $ 194 BK Precision
490 300V,1Amps,DC Power Supply 3 1/2 Digits 0.5 Inch LED Display W/Test Lead GPR-30H10D-NEW 1 $ 599 Instek
491 BNC(m) Cable Assembly-RG-58 CT2942-100-NEW 10 $ 79 CalTest
492 Right-Angled BNC male-female AD CT3313-NEW 4 $ 27.72 CalTest
493 DSP dual phase Lock-in(With rack mount) SR830 1 $ 6236.29 Stanford Research System USA
494 715 5-Channel Constant Fraction Timing Discriminator 715 5-Channel Constant Fraction Timing Discriminator 1 $ 1995 Philips Scientific
495 755 Quad Four-Fold Majority Logic Unit, 4n Sec to 1 Micro Sec Outputs 755 Quad Four-Fold Majority Logic Unit, 4n Sec to 1 Micro Sec Output 1 $ 1525 Philips Scientific
496 LabQuest Mini LQ-MINI 2 $ 406 Vernier International USA
497 Aligator Clip to Alligator Clip Cable 36 inch Length Using Red Wire 10 $ 85.50 Pasternack, USA
498 Banana Plug to Alligator Clip Cable 36 inch Length Using Black Wire 10 $ 85.50 Pasternack, USA
499 Banana Plug to Alligator Clip Cable 36 Inch Length Using Red Wire 10 $ 85.50 Pasternack, USA
500 BNC Male to Alligator Clip Cable 36 Inch Length Using 53 Ohm RG55 Coax 10 $ 325 Pasternack, USA
501 Standard Stacking Banana Plug to BNC Male Cable 36 Inch Length Using RG58 Coax 1 $ 337.50 Pasternack, USA
502 Micro Cover Glass, 22x40, 1oz 260144 1 $7.30 Ted Pella Inc., USA
503 Superslip CVR Glass 24x50,oz 260166 1 $8.35 Ted Pella Inc., USA
504 NI Plated Steel Cruc Tongs, EA 54481 1 $6.95 Ted Pella Inc., USA
505 Porcelain Crucible, 10ml, Pkg12 842-10A 1 $11.90 Ted Pella Inc., USA
506 Porcelain Crucible, 20ml, Pkg12 842-20A 1 $12.60 Ted Pella Inc., USA
507 Mini-Pro Digital Multimeter w/Battery Test 2405A-NEW 3 $96 ValueTronics International Inc
508 Autoranging Microvoltmeter 197 1 $225 ValueTronics International Inc
509 D.C. Milli-Ohm Meter 20mOhm~20kOhm GOM-801H-NEW 1 $340 ValueTronics International Inc
510 DC Power Supply V 20, A 25 Outputs 1 Non-Prog. DCR20-25 1 $375 ValueTronics International Inc
511 MakerBot Flexible Filament MP05188 1 $123.5 MakerBot, USA
512 True Black PLA Large Spool / 1.75mm / 1.8mm Filament MP05775 1 $45.60 MakerBot, USA
513 True Blue PLA Large Spool / 1.75mm / 1.8mm Filament MP05776 1 $45.60 MakerBot, USA
514 True Purple PLA Large Spool / 1.75mm / 1.8mm Filament MP05778 1 $45.60 MakerBot, USA
515 True Red PLA Large Spool / 1.75mm / 1.8mm Filament MP05779 1 $45.60 MakerBot, USA
516 CC-10 Wide Range Gauge, NW40 2-7980-032 1 $1745 Televac
517 CC-10 MX 24V INTL PWR SUPPLY 2-7900-101 1 $185 Televac
518 Televac Special 6-9800-00 1 $215 Televac
519 5 MHz Sweep Function Generator 4012A-NEW 3 $1185 BK Precision
520 10 MHz, Pulse Generator 4-Digit LED Display BNC Connector DCR20-25B 1 $395 BK Precision
521 WA301 (wideband amplifier) WA301 1 £198.7451 AIM-TTI Instruments
522 TGP110 (pulse generator) TGP110 1 £302.9415 AIM-TTI Instruments
523 EX1810R (power supply) EX1810R 1 £235.0110 AIM-TTI Instruments
524 KF 25 Flexible Bellows, 1m Long VF-BEL-KF25-1000 2 $287.50 Rooks Engineering
525 KF25-40 Straight Adaptor VF-ADP-KF4025 1 $46.92 Rooks Engineering
526 KF16-25 Straight Adaptor KF-ADP-KF2516 1 $29.32 Rooks Engineering
527 KF 25 Tee VF-TEE-KF25 4 $289.32 Rooks Engineering
528 KF 25 Centering ring SS304 Viton O-ring KF-CR-KF25 15 $155.25 Rooks Engineering
529 KF 25 Swing Clamp Al KF-CLA-KF25 15 $345.00 Rooks Engineering
530 KF 40 Swing Clamp Al KF-CLA-KF40 1 $34.50 Rooks Engineering
531 KF 40 Centering ring SS304 with Viton O-ring KF-CR-KF40 1 $11.50 Rooks Engineering
532 KF 16 Swing Clamp Al KF-CLA-KF16 1 $17.25 Rooks Engineering
533 KF 16 Centering ring SS304 with Viton O-ring KF-CR-KF16 1 $9.66 Rooks Engineering
534 CF 4.5 to KF40 Adaptor
1 $92 Rooks Engineering
535 Edwards P25K Speedivalve With Nitrile Diaphragm C33305000 4 $1333.56 Rooks Engineering
536 Copper Gasket for DN63CF
5 $46.00 Rooks Engineering
537 Ablerex Power Module UPS 30KVA Bric-30KVA 1 Rs. 664,800 AES Technology
538 Drill bits 0.3mm 5007712 50 Rs. 14,652 Elite Screener
539 Drill bits 0.5mm 5007713 50 Rs. 14,652 Elite Screener
540 Drill bits 0.7mm 5007713 30 Rs. 9,126 Elite Screener
541 Drill bits 1.0mm 5007713 30 Rs. 6,318 Elite Screener
542 SR470: Shutter controller SR470 1 $1,535 Stanford Research System
543 SR475: Shutter head (100 Hz) SR475 1 $655 Stanford Research System
544 Gold Target -2.375 Dia. x .002 thick SR475 1 $450 Denton Vacuum
545 KF 25 to 3/4 Male NPT connector
1 S$103.50 Rooks Engineering
546 Reducer KF40/KF25
1 S$46 Rooks Engineering
547 Cast Clamps (Aluminium) KF40 Flanges
1 S$34.5 Rooks Engineering
548 Centering Ring
1 S$11.5 Rooks Engineering
549 IC OPAMP INSTR 1MHZ 16DIP PGA204AP-ND 2 $38.02 Digi-Key (USA
550 IC SWITCH DUAL SPDT 16DIP HI3-5043-5Z-ND 2 $16.16 Digi-Key (USA
551 IC REG LDO ADJ 5A TO3 - 2 LM338K STEEL-ND 1 $50.69 Digi-Key (USA
552 Wide Range Gauge & 3M Active Gauge Cable WRG-S-NW25 S/S 1 £540 Edwards
553 Genesys FPGA Development Board Virtex-5 1 $499 Digilent
554 Thin Film Deposition Thickness Monitor package
1 $6,200 VTS Co., South Korea
555 Electron Diffraction Tube D-SO 1019432 1 €400 3B Scientific, Germany
556 Subscription of WinEdit WinEdit 9 1 Rs. 6488
557 LabQuestMini LQ-MINI 4 $203 Vernier, Int., USA
558 HV DC/DC Conv.+5V/+10kV/0.5W Q101-5R 1 $275 Condatas AG
559 LSK389B, LIA, FFT, and SR560 input FET (SRS part number 3-1674)) LSK389B 2 $110 Stanford Research System
560 USB-6001 14-Bit 20 kS/s Multifunction I/O 782604-01 4 $934.8 National Instruments
561 High speed USB - 1 Meter Cable - Micro to Std Male 782909-01 4 $106.4 National Instruments
562 Rotary Motion Sensor RMV-BTD 1 $216 Vernier, Int., USA
563 Vernier Projectile Launcher VPL 1 $407 Vernier, Int., USA
564 Vaccum Tubes 5Y3GT/G 5 $75 VaccumTubes, Inc.
565 OX Digital USB Microscope With 8 LEDs
1 Rs. 6462 Dhgate
566 USB Digital microscope + holder with 8 LEDs
1 Rs. 9060 Dhgate
567 Quadrant Detector Sensor Head, 400 to 1050nm PDQ80A 1 $480 Thorlabs
568 20nm thick permalloy
1 £350 Durham Magneto Optics Ltd.
569 0.8nm thick perpendicularly magnetised Pt/CoFeB/Pt
1 £750 Durham Magneto Optics Ltd.
570 Lithographically structured permallow (25 microns features)
1 £500 Durham Magneto Optics Ltd.
571 0.5X Barlow Lens for Industrial Microscope Camera Lens 2X Visual field 0.5X Barlow Lens for Industrial Microscope Camera Lens 2X Visual field 1 £22.75 Ali Express
572 Precision Mass Balance 440-45N 1 €580 KERN, Germany
573 FLIR Thermography Camera T420 25 Degree (Incl. Wi-Fi) with Standard Accessories T420 1 $10,261 IMMUSCO
574 Strain Gages EA-09-062AQ-350 1 $178 Vishay Measurement Group
575 M-Bond 200 kit 1OZ 1 $44.8 Vishay Measurement Group
576 M-Bond 610 kit 1OZ 1 $95.6 Vishay Measurement Group
577 Photoresist 950 PMMA A11 500ml PMMA a11 1 €572 Micro Resist Technology
578 Arbitrary Waveform Generator DG 1022 4 $1,196 Rigol Technologies
579 Digital Oschilloscope MSO1074Z 4 $2,632 Rigol Technologies
580 Manual mini-chrom 200-800nm EA 37597 1 SGD 2,561.90 Edmund Optics
581 Variable resistors TCS650-00000-A 5 $265 Wavelength Electronics
582 SiNi - Budgetsensors
1 $379 Budget Sensors

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