The spin Hall effect is the spin analogue of the famed Hall effect, a spin voltage (difference in Fermi levels for oppositely polarized spins) develops across a current-carrying conductor. The spin accumulation should be detectable by the differing interaction of circularly polarized light with opposite spins. Similarly, we also have the spin Seebeck effect which uses a temperature gradient to induce the spin voltage, similar to the traditional Seebeck effect taking place in thermocouples, where a temperature difference produces an electrical voltage. The origin of both of these effects lies in the spin-orbit interaction. The magneto-optical characterization of these spin-dependent processes requires careful control, generation and detection of light polarization, controlled heating and precise temperature measurement, vacuum production and low-temperatures. We have, in our lab, acquired sufficient expertise in all of these areas individually and are now in a position to integrate our preliminary investigations. (For the low temperature studies, we have acquired a custom designed optical cryostat.) Traditionally, these so-called spin caloritronic effects are measured by electrical means. The electrical methods require cumbersome electrical connections and one is limited by the electrical noise of the system, the weak detected electrical signals may be overwhelmed with the intrinsic noise processes. The optical detection bypasses this limitation, thanks to very sensitive photon detectors which have high sensitivities (output current/incident light intensity).
The final goals of this project are the:
- Optical detection of the spin Seebeck and spin Hall effects
- Detection, through the Faraday effect, of spin currents flowing in semiconducting samples
- Theoretical prediction of the spin Seebeck effect based on spin-orbit interactions
- Ultimately, We are interested in exploring the pure optical detection of magnetic resonance.